Sunday, March 28, 2010

The disparity among polls

Polls are funny to follow.

What is Obama's approval rating (as of 3/27)?

Gallup 46%

Daily Kos 56%

CNN 46%

Fox 46&

CBS News 53%

If a person quotes a particular percentage as proof of Obama's increasing /decreasing popularity, a little research may disclose their primary source(s).
Be honest about your views.


  1. Superb, Pack Rat! I learned long ago in a career far away to be wary of ALL stats, etc. Your admonition to do "a little research" is perfect.

  2. And what are those numbers as of August 1st??????

  3. Perhaps the difference in the results depends on how the question was asked.

    By the way, what's YOUR rating? And, if it is lower than the percentages [above] why is it lower?
